
So here's some NBA players nickname in Chinese, if you are interested.

威少 Westbrook lit. 'Dude Wey' pron. 'WayShao' Google translated it to viagra in one of the posts and it's funny and ridiculous that's why I decided to do this.
蜗壳 Kobe lit. 'Snail shell' pron. 'Wal'ke(r)' cuz it rhymes with 'my (guy) Kobe' Sometimes it's 黝黑蜗壳 lit. 'Pitch black snail shell' Which are puns with 'You are trying to smear kobe again' There is this stupid feud between fans of Bron and Kobe lasting for some years on Hupu forum and attacks on players sometimes happen. Some alternative: 铁匠 'blacksmith' 铁神 'iron man' For hitting the iron so many times.
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詹皇 LBJ 'King James' pron 'Zhan Hwang' no need to explain there.
甜瓜 Carmelo 'Sweet melon' pron. 'TyanGwa'
妖刀 Ginobili 'Imbued Scimitar' pron. 'Yaotao' cuz the way he plays.
石佛 Duncan 'Stone Buddha' pron. 'Shfo' This guy never show emotion.
帮主 Michael Jordan 'Gang boss' pron. 'Bangzhu' There's a popular novel where the gang boss's surname is Qiao, and borrowed here.
冰箱 Kevin McHale 'Fridge' pron. 'BingSeang' his name rhyme with the household appliance company 'Haier' that would sometimes produce fridge and also how he wouldn't play Lin by keeping him on the bench earned him this.
典伟 Wade, pron. 'DianWay' This was the name of a general in three kingdoms period that was exceptionally ferocious and loyal, also gets injured quite alot, oh yeah and name somehow rhymes.
老马 Steph Marbury 'old horse'. pron. 'Lao Ma' I know he no longer plays for the NBA but he's hugely popular here, especially since I come from Beijing. Even though the competitive level in the CBA are generally low but this guy is playing godlike, guilding his team and setting an example of hard working and give it all (he used to have fluid extracted from his knee almost every second games in the playoffs) There's also a old chinese saying 'the old horse know the way'. Also he's called 政委 'political commissar' due to how he leads his team in spirits.
围棋 Popovich 'Go (board game)' pron. 'WayChi' Go is considered a good test for the strategic thinking, pop absolutely excelled at it.
萌神 Curry 'cute god' yeah you get this one. pron. 'Meng Shen'
字母哥 Antetokounpo 'Letter dude' Due to the long and difficult to remember name. pron. 'zzMuGe'
两万 Wilt Chamberlain 'Twenty thousand' The claim to have coitus with 20,000 women is known across the pacific.
大猩猩 Patrick Ewing 'Gorilla' Looks awfully likes one, also the center in the Japanese manga Slam dunk is also called a gorilla and Ewing just looked so much like him.
高富帅 Chandler Parsons 'tall rich handsome' a slang describing how someone is exactly that.
飞猪 Charles Barkley 'flying pig' very figurative.
奥胖 Shaq 'O'Fat'
君子雷 Ray Allen 'Gentleman Ray' for his style on the court.
书包杜 Kevin Durant 'Backpack' Since he looked like he was going to school, but now he's more grown up and added temper.
吊 Diaw pron. 'Diao' so sounds about same, except this could mean penis in slang usage, also used to describe some one has a swag.
家嫂 Pau Gasol 'Sis in law' Comes from the bromance between Kobe and him.
A lot of people don't have nick names, and those are some of the most obvious I could think off now.

