
Are the San Antonio Spurs good at drafting players or is it their development system that makes the players better?

I would say it is some of both. Here are the factors that have really helped them in each category.
  1. The Spurs were early on the scene with drafting international players starting in the 90s.  This has been huge for their dominance starting in the 2000s up until now
  2. Coaching staff has taken regular trips overseas to see and meet with players early  in their development - doesn't hurt that Coach Pop speaks more than English. RC Buford and others have also been great.
  3. Team has an incredible network of former players, scouts and coaches through the NBA and overseas by which they can gather information
  4. Have been able to draft and stash many international player overseas and bring them over when they are ready - not all have been huge winners but many have had decent careers whether with the Spurs or elsewhere. Here are some names the Spurs picked up relatively late in the draft and yet they were very productive. Just consider Manu Ginobili, Tony Parker, Tiago Splitter, Ian Mahinmi, Beno Udrih, Luis Scola. Plus there are still some nice young picks stashed overseas that could make their way over to Spurs teams in future years.
  5. Whether picking early or late in the draft they have tended to not worry whether the person could help them immediately or not. They have taken the player with the most upside even if it cost them in the short-term. Both of the drafts in question below weren't popular with everyone in SA when they happened.
    1. Consider David Robinson whom they didn't know when or if they would get him due to his Naval commitment. They believed he was the best player for them to take and the took the risk that he would join the team sooner or later.
    2. In trading George Hill to move down to take Kawhi Leonard they took the big picture into consideration giving up a very solid player who was loved for the potential upside of a guy who at the time according to Pop, could possibly be the face of the franchise down the road.
  6. They avoid drafting players with heavy baggage, bad attitudes, chronic patterns of poor choices, poor work ethic, etc.
  7. They take the best player available that can help them win where the NBA is heading at that time
Development System
  1. Is starts with Pop and the humility he and his staff instill in the players
    1. Nobody is above guidance, correction or a good chewing out including current and past stars such as Tim Duncan, David Robinson, Manu Ginobili, Tony Parker
    2. Pop never takes credit - he talks about the team and the players making it happen
    3. Then as new/young player on the team what attitude are you going to put out when Duncan just got reamed out and took it
    4. The players are all so professional they self-police the younger guys and they really want to win not just collect a paycheck
  2. Management has been incredible in retaining a great coaching staff and not meddling with the program - so you have stability which helps players
  3. Success breeds success - who doesn't want to come learn from Pop and company. There is a constant influx of coaching talent around this team.
  4. The Spurs invest a tremendous amount of time and resources in developing young players just consider the following:
    1. How would Kawhi Leonard have developed if drafted by the Kings or Sixers? While he would be very good defensively it is unlikely he offensive game and other skills would be this far along. We know it is extremely unlikely he would have won a championship. He was a mid-round selection due to concerns over shot mechanics, so it would have also been very unlikely he would lead the NBA in 3 Point shooting.
    2. How would DeMarcus Cousins have developed if he had gone to the Spurs instead of the Kings? Hard to know if the Spurs would have drafted him given his baggage, but if they had, talk about a different set of surroundings. Different expectations, different support and interest in the player. My guess is he would be a superstar in this system vs. just the best player on a bad team and would have at least avoided a few of his issues.
  5. Pop is willing to adjust the game plan to the strengths of his personnel which helps almost everyone develop. Consider some of the changes:
    1. 90-00s the Spurs were a defensive first team with a limited offense
    2. 2010s the Spurs just didn't have the personnel to be a top defensive team and they focused more on offense and ball movement than ever before. The 2014 NBA Championship highlighted this offense running at full throttle.
    3. 2015 Spurs has seen another shift as the Spurs now have the personnel to be a top defensive team and a very good offensive team at the same time
Bottom line the Spurs have been fortunate but I believe drafting and the system itself are both equally important to their success as they go hand in hand.
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