
Why do football players wear rubber bands around their biceps?

These items are called bicep bands. They are made of a variety of materials: some are nylon, some are cotton, some are synthetic blends, etc. 

Bicep bands are used to catch and absorb sweat on the arms. They prevent the sweat on the shoulders and upper arms from sliding down to the forearm and hands. It's no different than how a head band prevents sweat from dripping down the forehead and getting into the eyes. There is some debate about how well they work, but that's what they are designed for. 

When bicep bands originally came out, there were some wild claims that they served a medical function of preventing tendinitis, tendinosis, and various muscle injuries. Those claims have since been refuted. 

There is also an obvious cosmetic function. A properly placed bicep band can make one's arms look bigger. And a band with the right color can match any uniform quite nicely. 

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