
NHL coaches

NHL coaches have different personalities and different ways they approach the game. You'll definitely see NHL coaches smile, especially after games when they shake the hands of their assistant coaches and trainers. BUT, some coaches won't even smile when they shake hands. Former Calgary Flames coach Mike Keenan was always serious. Current Flames coach Brent Sutter always looks like he's pissed (as does the rest of the Sutter family). 

BUT, there are exceptions to the rule. Yes, coaches have to keep an even keel and not get too high, but I feel like that applies to coaches in all big-time sports. At least to those sports that I follow in the US: MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA.

After a goal or if a team has a 2 or 3 goal lead you'll see a good number of NHL coaches sharing a laugh with some of his players. Pittsburgh Penguins coach Dan Bylsma has a play hard/party hard mentality as I see it. Players love him and he has a great relationship with the whole team. You'll see him giving a laugh with his players quite often after a lead or even a tie. Certain coaches give positive auras where you can't help but root for them. Recent Carolina Hurricanes hire, Kirk Muller, comes to mind. He has this Aaron Eckhart-thing going on where even when he looks angry it doesn't look that bad.

Detroit Red Wings coach, Mike Babcock, is also intense and serious, but has been seen to give a few laughs. Stars coach, Glen Gullickson, is a young guy who rarely looks pissed. Paul Maurice (former Canes coach) always looked pissed and angry. Same with current Bruins coach Claude Julien. It seems like that the younger the coach is, the less likely he is to give an angry look. At least going by the examples I've given above. 

Hockey, like all major sports, is an intense game. Yet, coaches seem to get fired more frequently in hockey than in other sports. Their's even a saying: "You're hired to get fired," when it comes to coaching in the NHL. In an 82 game season, if you even go on a 6 or 7 game losing streak, you could find your way out of the playoff race. And therefore, out of a job. Coaches play a big role in the NHL and coaches get fired when they lose their voice in the dressing room, as a result of losing. There seems to be an even bigger pressure to coach at the NHL level. So when a games tied, or close, or your team is losing, the coach will be angry. BUT, when the team has a big lead in the 2nd or 3rd period. You'll see the coach exchange some smiles with his assistant coaches or share a laugh with his players. It's all dependent on the situation. This narrow margin for error is the reason you hardly see NHL coaches getting too excited mid-games. Moreover, the same can be said for athletes. If you're team is winning, you'll see more players smiling. But otherwise, the looks on their faces are very intense and serious, just like the coaches. This goes for all sports.

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