
Which NBA players had the best head-to-head records against Michael Jordan?

So, I had to completely redo all of this because there was a bug in the script I wrote to do this. H/T to Chris McAree for doing some digging. Also note that the records are for regular season games only.

Bill Laimbeer and Isiah Thomas have the most wins against Michael Jordan over the course of his career, with 24 wins apiece. Vinnie Johnson comes in just a shade behind them with 23, while Joe DumarsCharles Barkley, and Dennis Rodman each have 21.

Since all of the aforementioned players only played against Bulls-era Jordan, they're also the players that have the most wins against Jordan during that stretch. In fact, you have to go all the way down to the player with the 15th most wins against Jordan, Reggie Miller, to find a player that played against Jordan during his run with the Wizards.

Kieth Van Horn has the most wins, six, against Wizards-era Jordan. Another 18 players have five wins apiece, and they're all from three teams: the 76ers (including Allen Iverson), the Pistons (including Ben Wallace and Cliff Robinson), and the Nets (including Jason KiddKenyon Martin, and Richard Jefferson).

Career-journeyman James Edwards posts the best winning percentage against Jordan over the course of his career with a .636 mark over 22 games.[1] Vinnie Johnson (.621 over 37 games) and Dennis Johnson (.619 over 21 games) follow close behind. Since none of these players played against Jordan during his Wizards run, they also have the same records against Jordan when only looking at his time with the Bulls.[2]

A whole host of players (Eric Snow, Greg Buckner, Anthony Peeler, Kevin Garnett, Kendall Gill, John Salmons, and Rasho Nesterovic) never lost to Jordan when he was playing for the Wizards.[3]

Fun Facts:
  • Players that have never lost to Michael Jordan include: Scottie Pippen, Dirk Nowitzki Marc Jackson, Wally Szczerbiak, Lionel Hollins, Mitch Kupchak, and the immortal Efthimios Rentzia.
  • In total, 71 players have never lost to Michael Jordan.
  • Larry Bird was 17-11 against Jordan. Magic Johnson was only 6-7.
  • Bryon Russell was 4-3 against Jordan over his career.
  • On a similar note, John Stockton went 14-11 while Karl Malone went 12-11.
  • All told, 360 players were .500 or better against Michael Jordan over the course of his career. 840 players were worse than .500.
  • Players that have never beaten Michael Jordan include: Manu Ginobili, Pooh Richardson, Bobby Hurley, Luc Longley, Carlos Boozer, God Shamgod, Bill Wennington, Lamar Odom, and Elton Brand.
  • Records of futility: Andrew Lang (0-16), Rumeal Robinson (0-13), Sherman Douglas (0-27), Grant Long (2-26), Rex Chapman and Rony Seikaly (2-21), and Michael Cage (2-28).
  • Michael Jordan went 122-102 against players who are currently head coaches in the NBA.

[1] Minimum qualifications: 13 games played.

[2] Shout-out to Bobby Jones, though, for posting a 6-0 record against Bulls-era Jordan.

[3] Minimum qualifications: 4 games played. Snow and Buckner both went 5-0, the rest all were 4-0.
William Petroff
Updated Nov 13 
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