
Which is a better sport: American football or soccer?

Let us compare the two sports:
1) Football is a continuous sport for 45 minutes for each half barring injuries. American football is not continuous as it has four touch downs for every 10 yards. Football is a rhythm sport where momentum changes scenario whereas its American counterpart is not. Hence, with respect to the pace of the game, football emerges winner. 

2)Too much emphasis is on the quarterback in American football (he is the main man) whereas a team in football can be built around a player (either a midfielder or an attacker) or a formation (attacking or defensive). All I'm saying is that the active participation of every player with respect to the importance of the role they play is never significantly lesser than any other player in football.

3)Football is a 90 minute game whereas American football lasts for 60 minutes. But, the duration of a game is no criterion for the physical exertion. Cricket lasts for 6-7 hours (a 50 over match) but its not even close to energy sapping demands of ,say, basketball (12 minutes each quarter, total 4 quarters). In football, a player on an average, covers a total distance of 8 kms per game (excluding goalkeeper). But what is of consequence is intensity and not distance. So, till I play American football, I deem myself unfit to talk about physical exertion.

4) Fitness is very important in contact sports. Even though American football is a full-contact sport and football is a limited-contact sport, I can't differentiate the two sports on the basis of fitness. I believe fitness is the main element which decides if you play the game or not.
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